Qingyang Temple

For anyone with an interest in Taoism and its history, a visit to Qingyang (cyan goat) Temple in southwest Chengdu is a must. One of the oldest Taoist temples in China and one of the most important, it is dedicated to the "Father of Taoism" Lao Zi (604-531BC). Originally built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) it was damaged greatly during wars and was restored during Kangxi's reign (1667-1671) in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

The temple's most famous sights are two cyan colored bronze goats by the altar in the Sanqing Hall, which give the temple its name. One of them is a strange looking creature made up of parts of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac. This hall also houses a huge 3000kg bell and three statues of the Sanqing (Taoist trinity).

Apart from the main Sanqing Hall there are other buildings including Doulao Hall, Hunyuan Hall, Yuhuang Palace and the most renowned Eight Trigrams Pavilion. Built from wood and stone it is a shrine of Taoist symbolism with a square base and round building depicting the Taoist belief of a round sky over a square earth.

Qingyang Temple holds many ancient and important relics of Taoism, one of the most important being a wooden engraving of the "Dao Zang Ji Yao" which are ancient Taoist scriptures. Another favorite place for visitors is the Temple's teahouse where the locals relax and often play the game of Mahjong. It is a pleasant place to sit and rest for a while after you have experienced the Temple's history.