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With your green fingers make an easy but visible difference to the environment along your trip way
Which countries should we visit? Where do we spend our money once we get there? How do our interactions with our hosts support international goodwill, and promote cross-cultural understanding?
The way we answer these questions has a real influence on the environment, human rights and the way our life goes.
We travel to see the world – but if we want to ensure that there will always be a world left worth
seeing, we should start thinking of our sojourns not only as personal respites but also as the means
by which to improve things little by little. Benefited from tourism growth, China has been trying to
make great efforts to preserve their natural assets, create a user-friendly infrastructure, and build
an economy where we citizens share the benefits of tourist revenue.
Primary School by Yangshuo
Get an insight into the primary schooling state on the other
side of the modern city and
see what you could do to improve.
Visit the Eco-Panda
Immerse in the harmony of the vast nature and the diverse
lives, as well as contribute
your long-reaching help.
Jatson School in Lhasa
Appreciate the original crafts made by children in this non-profit orphanage and give a hand to save the tibetan tradition.
If you travel to Tibet's vast rural areas, traditional industries are considerably hindered by a low level of productivity and vulnerability to environmental pollution. More and more rural Tibetans, who traditionally live off farming and husbandry, have now found a new way to shake off poverty. They are now making a living by catering to the needs of visiting tourists. That's one way your travel contribute to local people. But there're more ways to put compassion into action. We provide you chance to teach an English lesson or play with kids in a primary school in Yangshuo, read to a child at a local orphanage in Xi'an, meet and share meals with local Chinese and ethnic minority people, learn about and experience traditional handicrafts, and meet with grassroots NGO leaders and local experts to learn about people's real lives and struggles, instead of merely sound bites written in guidebooks. We help local communities in China to make their cultural traditions economically viable without exploitation or oversaturation.
It's a more satisfying vacation, knowing you are contributing.
Little by little and bit by bit, we can make a difference.